Monday, August 29, 2011

Lazy Day

Today was lazy. We all finally got up and moving around noon and walked to school again. Found an awesome cafe right near school that I'll be stopping at a ton I'm sure. Had this bagel with hummus, peppers, basil leaves, cheddar..sooooo good. Even found Dr. Pepper there which I'm pumpeddd about.

Thought I'd throw up some pictures while I had a minute.

This is our room in Niland House...exactly how it looks, too. (Yeah, including the floral print on the bedsheets) We've got two tall wardrobes on the wall to the right, separated by a single desk. There's a window to the left, but nothing more. Kinda makes McShain look like a palace haha. But we have a living room, kitchen, dining table and a bathroom so, it's not too bad.

That's Shop Street. We're literally the next street over so it's a short walk. There is a ton of stores, restaurants and pubs along this street which seems to go for miles. On the weekends they have a farmers market and people sell a bunch of homemade trinkets and produce. The crepe station is great and for only 2euro. Also along the street are a bunch of performers, like you'd see in NYC. Ton of kids playing instruments, singing and stuff like that. Usually gets pretty busy, it's a big tourist hot spot.

The King's first Irish Pub. Had my first Guinness here and if I wasn't in Ireland, it may have been my last...stuff tastes pretty bad but I guess you gotta suck it up if you'll be here for a semester. All the pubs get pretty crowded on the weekends...we're really excited to catch a soccer game or rugby in one of the pubs. Ireland plays a mens World Cup Qualifier this Friday so I'm sure Shop Street will be awesome haha.

Lastly, my new university. This is the Quad, so there are two more walls you can't see but the place looks amazing. Pictures can't do it justice but you can get a glimpse here. Kind of excited to start school to get some structure to my day. Weird waking up late, walking aimlessly around, napping, dinner then stay out late only to repeat the next day haha.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Niland House

Done with my first 'full' day in Galway. So far, so good. We've been staying in Niland House, which is a great location for students. Were just a street over from Shop Street, which is lined with pubs, restaurants, grocery stores, a mall and other shops. We've been walking it a lot. My roommates and I walked to school this morning to take a look at where we'd be studying the next 4 months. It's about a 15 minute walk, but right along the river so that'll be nice (except for the breeze it creates on a 40 degree day..) The school itself looks awesome, too. Very old and rustic.

The Niland House, again, where were staying is.....interesting to say the least. Oliver, the landlord, is a character, for starters. The place looks pretty nice, something you'd expect as a student living abroad for a semester. We've got a TV, though all it shows is old American movies, rugby, gaelic football, soccer and handball. Gaelic football is pretty interesting..I've been watching that a lot cheering on the Dublin Tribesman haha. Everything, in order to work, needs to have a switch turned on which is weird. Took us over an hour to boil water yesterday haha. The shower needs to be 'boosted' in order to get hot water, or even water at all. We turn a dial in the closet and wait an hour until we're able to hop in. We all have to shower in succession or else risk having no water by the end of the day. In the main shower, there is a glass wall that stops the water from hitting the floor..however it's like 4 feet high, only goes halfway and doesn't move. Therefore, to turn on the water you've got to step into the tub. I don't know if I'm just not doing it right, but I got drenched standing there in my sweatshirt and sweatpants last night haha. I'll try a different strategy later for how high the wall is, my 6'2 self splashes the water over top every time. Hopefully I'll master the art of the shower within the next few weeks hahaha

I'll throw up pictures next time I post.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Officially in Ireland

Suppose it's time for my first post on this thing.
I'd first like to say thanks to everyone who has sent me a text or call wishing me well during my time here. Everyone who's been to Galway has nothing but amazing things to say about it, so I'm incredibly pumped to arrive at Niland House.

Said goodbye to my parents last night at the airport. Anyone who knows my mom will not be surprised when I say she cried, immediately after my dad sent out a text to everyone saying 'No tears yet!!' haha. (Mom, dead puppies, dead puppies ;) lol)

Flight got out fine and I arrived in Dublin earlier this morning. When I got to customs, I handed over my passport and the guy asked me why I'm here and for how long. After telling him I was studying in Galway for 4 months he immediately asked for documentation proving that. Perhaps I missed something in all the preparation emails and packets from the Study Abroad Office, but the guy questioned me further and told me he should be sending me back on the flight I came in on for not having papers. But, he eventually agreed to let me in but only gave me a month..guess I'll be visiting the immigration office in Galway to get that sorted out? Stressful moment, but I got out and caught a cab to the train station. I'm on the train now, waiting my 3 hour ride across the country. Can't wait..
