Sunday, August 28, 2011

Niland House

Done with my first 'full' day in Galway. So far, so good. We've been staying in Niland House, which is a great location for students. Were just a street over from Shop Street, which is lined with pubs, restaurants, grocery stores, a mall and other shops. We've been walking it a lot. My roommates and I walked to school this morning to take a look at where we'd be studying the next 4 months. It's about a 15 minute walk, but right along the river so that'll be nice (except for the breeze it creates on a 40 degree day..) The school itself looks awesome, too. Very old and rustic.

The Niland House, again, where were staying is.....interesting to say the least. Oliver, the landlord, is a character, for starters. The place looks pretty nice, something you'd expect as a student living abroad for a semester. We've got a TV, though all it shows is old American movies, rugby, gaelic football, soccer and handball. Gaelic football is pretty interesting..I've been watching that a lot cheering on the Dublin Tribesman haha. Everything, in order to work, needs to have a switch turned on which is weird. Took us over an hour to boil water yesterday haha. The shower needs to be 'boosted' in order to get hot water, or even water at all. We turn a dial in the closet and wait an hour until we're able to hop in. We all have to shower in succession or else risk having no water by the end of the day. In the main shower, there is a glass wall that stops the water from hitting the floor..however it's like 4 feet high, only goes halfway and doesn't move. Therefore, to turn on the water you've got to step into the tub. I don't know if I'm just not doing it right, but I got drenched standing there in my sweatshirt and sweatpants last night haha. I'll try a different strategy later for how high the wall is, my 6'2 self splashes the water over top every time. Hopefully I'll master the art of the shower within the next few weeks hahaha

I'll throw up pictures next time I post.



  1. Pics of you splashing in the thanks!! haha

  2. Hi Luke.....we miss glad everything seems to be going good for you.....Your MOM is doing pretty good so far...LOL Just checking to see if you will get this.....Love you...MAMA

  3. Oh...and no throw up pictures please....I see enough of that at work! Thank you!!
    Love ya....Aunt Tevia

  4. Hi Luke~
    That's too funny about the shower situation! hour to boil water!! Bet that kraft mac and cheese is tasting extra yummy! LOL
    We are missing ya sweetie! Looking forward to seeing some pictures :) Love ya, mom

  5. Hey Luke,

    Looks like you'll be taking a few less showers... I guess you're going to turn into a real "ripe" european... From what I've been told BO is part of the culture... So what gives with the Irish Spring soap commercials?

    --Uncle Bobby
