Saturday, August 27, 2011

Officially in Ireland

Suppose it's time for my first post on this thing.
I'd first like to say thanks to everyone who has sent me a text or call wishing me well during my time here. Everyone who's been to Galway has nothing but amazing things to say about it, so I'm incredibly pumped to arrive at Niland House.

Said goodbye to my parents last night at the airport. Anyone who knows my mom will not be surprised when I say she cried, immediately after my dad sent out a text to everyone saying 'No tears yet!!' haha. (Mom, dead puppies, dead puppies ;) lol)

Flight got out fine and I arrived in Dublin earlier this morning. When I got to customs, I handed over my passport and the guy asked me why I'm here and for how long. After telling him I was studying in Galway for 4 months he immediately asked for documentation proving that. Perhaps I missed something in all the preparation emails and packets from the Study Abroad Office, but the guy questioned me further and told me he should be sending me back on the flight I came in on for not having papers. But, he eventually agreed to let me in but only gave me a month..guess I'll be visiting the immigration office in Galway to get that sorted out? Stressful moment, but I got out and caught a cab to the train station. I'm on the train now, waiting my 3 hour ride across the country. Can't wait..



  1. Luke...
    Missing you already....Love ya...
    Aunt Kellie

  2. Just making sure that worked...haha...your mom can't figure out how to post. I guess you have to have a profile and she doesn't....going to get her set up so she can post!! Wow...I just can't believe you're there....lot's of pictures please!! :)

  3. Hi Luke! Second try at writing this post! First time attempt-everything got deleted! Ugghh! As i'm writing, you should be sleeping soundly with your St. Joe's blanket warmly covering you as I look at my Lucas time clock on the wall and it says 2:40 a.m. I am sitting here snuggled in your beige blanket sippin coffee hearing the heavy rain come down! It was so exciting to read your first entry! Have i told you lately how proud i am of you taking on this wonderful journey of studying abroad in Ireland. As you have already experienced upon your arrival, you will have bumps in the road, but it is during those times that help make you stronger and shows you that in the end everything DOES work out! Remember that i'm your #1 fan! ENJOY all that Ireland has to offer you!
    I love you,
