Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Officially started school yesterday. I've mentioned it before, but the classes are really difficult to find, or to even figure out if they count for credit at SJU. But anyways, I know at least four of them:

Topics in Microeconomic Theory
Comparative Economic Thought
Climate Change &
Marketing Principles

Still looking for a fifth .. might stick with Ancient Philosophy but class was excruciatingly boring so, we'll see haha

Today was actually pretty nice for awhile. I've said it before but I'll say it again .. the weather is nuts here. One minute the sun is beaming, the next a torrential downpour, then just overcast, then sun, then a light mist, then 50mph winds -- all in a matter of 20 minutes.  For my walk to class, it was thankfully sunny so I took some photos to show you my route to school everyday.

Not a bad deal at all.



  1. Good Morning Sugar..........I am drooling here and am so jealous I am turning Irish Green!!!!!!
    It is so beautiful, enjoy, it will go by so fast. I'm at work so I will send you more when I can......Love you and miss you......Sunshine

  2. Hey Luke....
    Your Mom is trying desperatly to comment and is unable to. I'm loving your pictures and enjoy hearing your re-caps!!!
    Aunt Tevia

  3. Hi there Luke! Okay 2nd attempt at writing this! (this comment box has a mind of its own!! Arggghhh!!!!!
    Okay let's see......it's 10:30 here and 3:30 in the morning your time. You better be sleeping!!
    It was awesome skyping with you today! It looks like Ireland is treating you well. You look great! Hope your grocery shopping went well and you did get some fruit and veggies like i told you to :)
    Very BEAUTIFUL pictures you took!!! Not a bad walk each day to campus looking at those sights! So gorgeous~quite the photographer you are!
    Im looking forward to hearing the end result of the classes you are going to take. Have fun choosing! Enjoy the rest of the week and I cant wait to skype again with you!
    Love you bunches, xxxxoooo

  4. Hi Sugar......well rain rain go away for us.....we are under a state of emergency here in Broome County, remember 2006? Flooding worse than 2006 is expected here, so right now I am so glad we live on the mountain. Have to keep emptying the pool though, so you can imagine just how bad it is. Today was the 1st day of school for some schools here and they already had to have an early release and some are closed tomorrow already. This is crazy, so when you talk about rain rain rain, I sure know what you mean. Hope all is well with you and your classes are going well. Your walk to classes is sure beautiful, everything is so lush and green. Well, sending tons of love Sunshine.
