Monday, September 12, 2011


I've heard a lot of people have been having issues with the comments. So hopefully this will not only work, but be easy to follow...

Make your way over to
Once you're there, you'll find a link that says 'Create an Account' on the top right of the screen. Click that.

Create a username and password. Note that whatever you use as your username is what will appear on the comments section. So, if I created a username of 'LukeGuinan', the comment I write on the blog would read 'LukeGuinan said...', etc. Make sure you uncheck the little box at the bottom that reads 'Yes, send me LiveJournal announcements via email.' so you don't get anything sent to the email you're using.

Click 'Create Account', and on the next page skip over everything and continue. The next page should congratulate you on your new LiveJournal account.

Now come back to the blog, and write your post in the comments section. I'd copy what you wrote the first time just in case it goes screwy on erases it. But anyways, in the 'Comment as..' drop down box, click on the LiveJournal one. A box will pop up asking what your user name is. Just type it in, and it will direct you to the LiveJournal page once more, just to ask if you're sure you'd like to post with this username. Accept that, and I'm hoping that after you do this once, you'll be set from there.

It'll kick you back to my blog and just hit the 'Post Comment' button.

Now I know that seems like quite a bit, but hopefully it's easy enough and you're only going to have to do that once. After that, everything will be created and whenever you want to post a comment you'll just have to type in your LiveJournal account on the comment section.

Hope this helps/works!


  1. Hey Luke! Thanks for the help in getting on the blog to post a comment... now I have no excuses! Hope you are doing great and enjoying your first few weeks of classes. Talk soon...

  2. lucas, grandma g reporting in, wanting to see if this works

  3. Testing to see if this works! Grandma

  4. This is a re-test...G
