Friday, September 16, 2011

Philosophy 101

Well, not much has happened recently in Ireland..just a lot of class and hanging out. I head to immigration this coming Monday and once I’m all registered with that, I’m able to go in and out of the country…can’t wait to explore more of Europe. Any suggestions?

For lack of post-worthy material, I thought I might write down some things that have gone through my head recently while I’ve been here. Last night I walked home from campus along the river at about 8:30pm. The sun had set, and it wasn’t too cold out…warm enough for just a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt. Not many people were out, and with my iPod in it just felt like it was me. So I walked out behind one of the shops on the river and sat on the stone ledge looking out on to Galway Bay - Just me and all the docked boats in the harbor. I’m sure half this stuff we’ve all heard at one time or another in our lives, but why not write it down and see where my stream of consciousness goes?

First and foremost, even just being here three weeks, you start to understand the people in your life that mean the most to you. Now I know that may sound weird, seeing as when you go away to college shouldn’t you realize all that stuff? But it’s something about being thousands of miles away from somebody that really makes you miss them. Knowing I can’t send out a text to say what’s up, knowing that phone calls cost extra money…only interaction you get is if you happen to cross paths on Facebook or something. The things I would do for dinner with the whole family, slice of Nirchi’s with Jaske, soccer tennis with Bru, SuperSmash with the roommates, a party with the 54th girls, watch Jake’s football games…but at the same time, being here makes you appreciate those things just a little bit more, and I know I’ll enjoy them that much more when I get back to the states.

I’ve learned that in order to truly live your life, you’ve got to be vulnerable.  For anyone reading this that was a part of the Orientation at St. Joe’s last year you’ll probably get a laugh out of this next phrase but it’s so, so true. You really have to lean into discomfort to get the most out of life. We all have certain things about ourselves, our personalities, our appearance…or certain situations that simply make us uncomfortable.  We all just long to be connected…to each other, a team, ourselves…but it’s, I guess, the fear we have towards certain things that stop us from being connected. I’m not smart enough, good enough…and it’s weird to think that we all have these feelings about something…to not have this feeling, I’d think, would mean someone doesn’t even have the capacity to feel connected in the first place…but ANYWAYS. Vulnerability undermines all of that feeling…in order to get over those feelings of I’m not smart enough, not good enough, etc. is to lay out on the table everything that we see as an imperfection, or in other words I suppose, become vulnerable. I’ve also heard it before as having the courage to be imperfect…let go of the person you think you should be and just be the person you are.  We have to be willing to invest in something that might not work out, something that doesn’t have a guarantee. Very small example is signing up for the basketball team here at NUIG. I’m not the best at basketball, and personally don’t think I’m very good…but then back in highschool or modified basketball I can’t say I really ever shot, or tried hard…because there was no guarantee that the ball would go in, or the effort would pay off…I didn’t want to be vulnerable to failure and so I was never vulnerable to success. So here’s to hoping that putting myself out there and trying out for the team here may pay off haha.

But all these things we’re afraid of, we try and numb it out…fear, shame, rejection. But it’s impossible to just selectively numb these things. Instead we not only numb those things, but you numb happiness in the process. Furthermore we hate uncertainty and therefore try and make everything a certainty, or only get involved in something that has a certain outcome.  So I guess to wrap that all up I’ve learned to become vulnerable, put yourself out there, put everything you have into something despite the uncertain nature of everything we do and you’ll be happier. Dang that got real philosophical, real quick and I hope that makes sense when I go back and reread it hahaha.

Lastly, I thought about the feeling of regret. You hear a lot of people talk about living life with no regrets…and I suppose that’s a sound theory and all but is it really possible? And if it was, is that really how you want to live your life?  I’m extremely happy with the way my life has unfolded thus far, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have regret. And to me, regret’s not a bad thing. I actually welcome it. If it wasn’t for the regret I have of not getting involved very much in organizations during highschool, I don’t think my college experience would have been this rewarding. If I didn’t regret skipping out on my brother’s basketball games in years past, I don’t think I would be appreciating all the ones I enjoy going to today.  It’s that sense of missing out from years past that has propelled me to do all that I’m doing, have done, and will continue to do in college and beyond…and so I’m glad I’ve had regret in my life because it’s what has shaped me.

There’s my two cents for the month haha. Hope all’s well with everyone and look forward to seeing you all soon.



  1. Luke...
    Indeed, very insightful and true. Being vulnerable is a scary thing and yet it has many rewards in the end.
    Thanks for sharing the stuff in your head...I'm learning some great things from my 20 year old nephew!!
    Love you lots...
    Aunt Tevia

  2. Luke,
    Is Hallmark knocking on your door yet?
    I will say this for the billionth time...."out of all the kids in the world, how did I get so lucky to have you as my son!" I know that i am the parent, but man have YOU taught me so much about how to live an abundant life! I will never forget when you showed me a sheet you had written that covered the front and back early on in high school. It was titled, "My Bucket List" You had a list of 100 things you wanted to do before you died. The wildest one I feel was last Fall when you went skydiving with your St. Joe's buddies. I am so happy I was there to experience it with you even though i was staying put in the spectator seat on the ground! i will never forget your gigantic smile and excitement you had to be taking on one of your life's adventures! And that you did as my stomach still turns whenever i think about it. You are not just a role model to your little brother Jake, but to me as well! I bet every card he gives you he never leaves out telling you what a great "role model" you are to him. This warms my heart in a way that only us mama's can undertand! You are a very compassionate, loving, and enthusiastic young man to say the least. You have a heart of gold and I just love how you give so much of your time to do volunteer/community service!

    Luke~ Continue to "BE YOURSELF".....for that is why so many of us love our Lukey!! My heart is overflowing with so much pride and love for you. (okay, i'll stop getting all mushy)
    Make it a great weekend wherever your travel leads you to! Don't forget to take pictures!! Take care of your cold, drink lots of fluids and dont stay out too late!

    To the moon and back, xxxxoooo

  3. Hi Sugar.....well you have learned the most important lessons in life and you are applying them well. Being vulnerable sometimes causes us to experience the greatest sorrow, but we need to experience that in order to exhalt when the greatest happiness occurs. Always remember, you always have a safety net with a loving family who thinks you sure have grown up GOOD. The only thing greater than my pride in you is my love for you. BUT, you already know that.......keep your mind on the the track it's on now and you will always have the success you so well deserve. Being vulnerable also allows us to have great compassion for those who need it the most. Not being able to feel this, makes one a cold, hard and not very loved person. Being perfect, the best at everything, and the smartest person in the room can be a very lonely, empty life. Don't ever let that happen to you and you will always be fulfilled and truly loved by all that meet you. Love Sunshine

  4. Whew! Il m'a fallu 20 minutes pour reussir a commenter! Merci pour les explications! Apres une semaine de cours a CF, je me suis dit, "Que fait Luc"? Alors, j'ai ouvert ton blog pour suivre ton journal. Ouaou! Ton dernier passage m'a vraiment touche le coeur. J'ai peut-etre trop enseigne l'histoire du Petit Prince. Pour les adolescents il est parfois difficile de vraiment comprendre les philosophies dedans. Je suis tres fier de toi et ta decision de voyager et d'etudier dans un pays etranger. Je vois par tes messages que tu as l'esprit ouvert et que tu vois le monde de nouveau un peu comme un enfant. "On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible aux yeux." Tu etais toujours un jeune homme extraordinaire. Quand tu reviendras, tu seras meme plus sage qu'avant.

  5. Luke, you make me jealous that my blog was just stupid travel posts and funny stories. I love that your're actually using your blog as a a journal. You're going to be so happy when you look back on all of this when you're back in the states... ps go to florence!

  6. Hi Luke!!! Such a great post and blog... I love it! You have a great message in here that we all should really think more about :) hope Galway is treating you well! live it up!

  7. With that powerful message, Id like to be first in line for your future Auto Biography.

  8. Hi Luke: It seems like it has been a long time since you visited us but I think this is the right time to send a note. I was so impressed w/your recent blog, I have always known you were an intelligent, thoughtful, very family-oriented individual & reading this blog just reinforces that belief. I'm glad to say you are my grandson. With each day that goes by, it will be a new learning experience for you, whether it is @ school or out on one of your new adventures, i.e., sky diving, flying alone to Ireland, or just plain wandering the countryside in Dublin! You have already surpassed a number of my dreams, but for you, the sky's the limit, enjoy each & every day to its fullest. These years are the building blocks for the remainder of your life whether it be in your personal or selected profession. So the bottom line is, make the most of every day, you won't regret it. We love you lots & miss you more! Love, Grandma & Grandpa G
