Friday, September 9, 2011


Today was one of those days that you had nothing going, but turned out to be really fun.
We all slept in quite a bit, but when we finally woke up we looked out the window and actually saw sunlight. It was awesome out. Few of the guys went golfing, few others had class, and the rest of us went out and walked the streets to find a good lunch (fish and chips..again)

Once we returned, I got on the phone and started calling some tour companies for different rates to the Cliffs of Moher (they're what you see on the background of my blog). One company lowered their price to 13 euro/student and they're going to pick us up right in front of our apartment complex. I'll be sure to post pictures tomorrow.

After arranging that, we went down to Galway Bay to play some soccer with our Italian friends. The weather was still awesome, despite raining a bit earlier in the day.

The end of the bay was filled with swans (just like you told me, Joe). We were all standing right there and they all swam over to us thinking we had bread or something. This little Irish boy was there with his mother and he was having a ball with the swans - yelling and chasing after them. So funny.

Then we played some soccer on these enormous Gaelic Football fields. In the middle of our game someone looked over and noticed a rainbow out over the bay so I snapped a few pictures. I wish it'd stay like this the entire time we were in Galway, but..the rain is part of the experience I suppose.

Hope all's well and look forward to showing you all pictures from the Cliffs tomorrow. Cheers.



  1. Hi Luke...
    Your Mom and I just got back from Women of Faith. We had an awesome time. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful!!! More please!!
    Love ya....
    Aunt Tevia

  2. That's my boy Luke!~keeping your camera with ya at all times is a must as I can't get over how well you are capturing the beauty of Ireland and the amazing things you are experiencing.
    Ummmmm did ya play hookey from classes today? Oh that's right.....lucky you has Fridays off! I hope your new class(es) yesterday were enjoyable. Have ya found an adgenda book yet?
    It must have been so sweet playing soccer today with kids from Italy. What a cool picture of the rainbow.
    Hey Mr. Travel Agent.......way to go in organizing your trip tomorrow to the Cliffs of Moher and finding the cheepest rate! (You take after me) I can't wait to hear all about it! LUCKY YOU!!!!! I request with your pictures that you give me at least one of them with you in it! Yep......i'm missin ya a tad bit! (possibly a group shot of your friends too!)
    Have a BLAST!!!
    P.S. Make sure your camera is charged :)
    Love you lots, xxxxoooo
