Friday, September 2, 2011

Rain rain rain..

Past week has been fun. Haven't done much so I'm not sure what to blog about really but my mom keeps begging me, so, here goes nothing haha

It's nothing but cloudy or rainy here. Which is fine, but it's tough to remember to bring your camera out knowing that nothing really looks as good when it's not sunny. The weather keeps calling for more and more rain and overcast so .. not going to be expected any great days for photos soon..

Last Wed we took a tour of the school. Looks awesome like I mentioned earlier. The campus is enormous..they said about 19,000 students attend..800 of which are international students. Over the past few days I've met a lot of Italians, Canadians, and quite a few people from California. Of course some Irish students, too. Last night at one of the pubs, my buddy and I sat and chatted with and old Irish guy named Eolann. He was funny and swearing a ton .. guy could sure put away his fair share of Guinness, too. We had an awesome time talking about Northern Ireland, his story, and, like I ask everyone, his opinion on Americans. He says, allegedly, that he enjoys them for the most part but they can be very fu***** loud haha. Guess he's right..

There are over 100 student organizations on campus not including all the sports clubs. A lot of them look pretty neat, so I'll be looking to join a few. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this prior but a bunch of us want to join the kayak club. It's like water polo but in kayaks haha. My friend and I also are looking to join the club baskeball team .. just trying to figure out what the commitment is like and stuff.

The Corrib river runs right through Galway and wraps right around the school. It's what we walk everyday to class, and will also be my view from the Econ building .. it looks amazing. You often see the kayak game being played in the river .. see a ton of swans, and lots of people just sitting out alongside it enjoying lunch or something. Off the river are a bunch of canals .. I've heard some people refer to Galway as a sort of 'mini Venice'. You can see a few fisherman wading in the pic .. always see them out there looking for salmon.

Tomorrow we purchased train tickets to Dublin. We'll spend all day tomorrow and some of Sunday over there. Probably going to get an all day pass for the bus and just hop from site to site .. the cathedrals, the prison, trinity college and stuff. I'll throw up pictures when we get back Sunday.



  1. Yea!!!!!!!!! Good boy Luke for updating your blog! Mama and I were talking today on how your blog lights up our day! Seriously.......I check it more than a few times a day hoping to see a new entry! (No pressure on ya :)) Your blogs have been so interesting to read! Each time, I am reminded of how lucky i am to have you as my son and how incredibly proud i am of you living your life to the fullest! (how many times have you heard that one!) The picture of Eolann, your friend and you is so sweet! I am sure you made his night by chatting with him! Maybe he is a local and you will be able to visit with him again! Enjoy your weekend as it sounds amazing!!!! Don't forget your camera and to take every moment in!
    Love ya bunches, XXXXOOOO

  2. Hi Sugar.....loved the new post....I really envy you and wish I was over there too. Dublin sounds so exciting so make sure you get tons of photos. Keep Eolann's comments in your memory bank so you can talk to me about it when you get here for the holidays. I told PaPa maybe you will hook up with a nice redheaded Irish lass over there....hahahaha. Now that would be something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We miss you, but know what an encredible experience this is. Mom and Jacob are up here now and they will be here until Monday morning. We won't get to see Jake too much now with school starting, but we are hoping to get down there sometime this fall and see a game of his. Well, keep the posts coming and have a good time in Dublin. TONS AND TONS OF LOVE.......MaMa

  3. Hey Luke,
    Just did a thorough read of your blogsite, and loved it. Your meditation on vulnerability was wonderful (you're a great guy, as you and I and your family and friends know), but your Irish experience is clearly making you even greater and wiser. Hurrah.
    And your Lukestory and pictures are really fine, especially your walk to the Uni, the Ailwee Cave (with its sort-of old bear), the Burren and Cliffs of Moher, and (for me) the swans at the mouth of the Corrib. No wonder that little kid was fascinated!
    All's well in Joeland, and I love teaching as much as ever. I also had a clearer thought on my learning how to post a comment: it's not the Old Dog learning a new trick, but it's the fact that he had a great teacher--good ol' Luke!
    Again, cheers (the English version), and more important, slainte. I think that word's pretty appropriate for the weekend. As ever, Joe
