Wednesday, September 21, 2011

To Arthur

Change of plans..I'll be going to Croagh Patrick on Saturday to hike up the mountain. Most definitely worth a google image search. Please please please cross your fingers we get good weather for it. The view is killer. Can't wait to share pictures with everyone. I think I'm going to save going to Cork when my Dad arrives in late November. Apparently that's where our family traces back to, so, I figured I'd like to share that time with him.

Real reason of this post, however, is to wish everyone a Happy Arthur's Day tomorrow! Ireland is going to be one big party tomorrow, from what I hear. At 17:59 (5:59PM) everyone goes out into the streets with their pint of Guinness and raises their glasses. Someone leads the toast and yells 'To Arthur!' to which the entire crowed responds with the same. (By the way, the Guinness Brewery opened in 1759, hence the timing of the toast).

If you can recall from one of my earlier posts, that's The King's Head in the background..where I had my first Guinness in Ireland. All the pubs are going to have live music and there may be a stage set up down by the harbor which is right out our back door of the apartment.

So, I invite you all back home to raise your glass to Arthur at 12:59PM with me and my roommates...even if yours is just coffee or water haha. (Murph, you better raise a Guinness...but only one okay bud?)




  1. Luke,
    Happy Arthur Day tomorrow!! Don't be celebrating good ol Arthur too much! Let's see......I will raise my can of seltzer water and not only think of Arthur but of you too!
    I will say a prayer or two or three for wonderful weather on Saturday as you enjoy your hiking adventure. Gosh, I wish I was going with you.
    Looking forward to hearing how it went!
    Love you to the moon and back! xxxxoooo

  2. Ok...tomorrow @ 1259 I'll be toasting w/ a McDonald's Iced Coffee (maybe a jigger of Bailey's). Will be thinking of you. Have a great hike Saturday....looking forward to the pics!!!! Love ya....
    Aunt Tevia
