Saturday, September 24, 2011

Croagh Patrick

Today we traveled out to Croagh Patrick in Mayo County, Ireland. Asked everyone in my last post to cross your fingers for good weather...and it happened. Taxi driver said it's been nothing but rain past few days so we really lucked out. Just uploaded the pictures...I took 120 of them. I swear it wasn't just me though. Twelve of us went, and I did most of the climb with 2 guys - one from SJU another from Marquette. The whole way we kept pulling out our cameras saying "I know I've taken this picture before but I can't help it". It was just...amazing.

So a little about Croagh Patrick I suppose. It's the mountain where St. Patrick supposedly fasted for 40 days during Advent and cast the snakes out of Ireland. Oh, and it's 2,500 ft. in the air (Dad, I was 3rd one to the surprised are you? haha) They say it takes about 3 hours to scale and 2 hours to descend. The 3 of us did the entire thing in 3. legs hurt so bad right now I deserve to brag a little bit haha.

Like I mentioned, I took soooo many pictures, so, sorry if I kind of go overboard posting them here.

Here's the mountain from the parking lot.

Statue of St. Patrick with mountain in background...

This was the "first leg", and it was like this the whole way through the first part. Slightly inclined, tons of rocks and a lot of slipping...

Here's the view at the top of the "first tier"...That's the town of Westport in the distance...

This is coming to the end of the "Second Tier"...that part was mostly a bunch of up and downs but without as much loose gravel and rock...Here's looking up Croagh Patrick and the "Third Tier"...

This is a little ways up the "Third Tier"...there were points we were on all four grabbing a hold of rocks above us for support, as you can kind of see here...very steep...was a pain coming down because all the rocks would kick out from underneath you...quads, knees and feet are killing me after the decline haha...

Here's a view of where we had just come across...most of what you can see is that "Second Tier", so again, mostly flat...was a nice break...

And finally we're at the's most of our group sitting on the edge and grabbing our lunches...the view was really can't do it justice...

So, there was just a small portion of the photos...I tried to limit them! Back to school on Monday...hopefully something comes up to blog about in the meantime, but until then...

Hope all's well.



  1. OH MY GOSH conquered Croagh Patrick mountain! It's huuuuugggggeeee and beautiful and breathtaking and huge! Ummmmm, don't think you would have gotten me to do that climbing with all those rocks and steep inclines not to mention it took 3 hours to climb it. NO WAY!!!!! If you are sore now, how are you feeling the day after? OUCH! Bet you will be putting that Motrin i packed you to good use! Yay! A beautiful sunny day and you made it to the tippity top and back down all in one piece! Pheeeeww! have to be honest.....this mama bear was thinking about you all day! I think it was my singing the "Mr. Sunshine" song, along with doing a sunshine dance in the living room, along with a chat to God asking for you to have a beautiful, safe hike that got you the day you wanted and deserved! :)
    Holy ta-le-do Luke! Bet you will always remember this day! You certainly are finding the coolest places in Ireland to explore! Let's see, my day was all about doing laundry, folding laundry, putting the laundry away, and doing more laundry.
    I am in awe, mezmerized at how beautiful this mountain and views are! Your pictures as usual are gorgeous (you're as cute as ever) and i cant even imagine the adrenalin rush you were on climbing this mountain, reaching the top of it being surrounded by such beauty. What a way to top off your 1st month stay in Ireland! have to say......Ireland has been treating you very well!
    May God continue to look after you and bless you with continued happiness!
    I love you to the moon and back ~xxxxoooo

  2. Damn....what a day it must have been for you. All that beauty. I am so happy when I see you have blogged. You can't even imagine how much I enjoy reading what you're up to daily. Even if you just upload photos randomly I'd get such joy just looking at them. This blog was a great idea and I am just loving it!!! Thanks for taking the time to update it. Really....I know it takes time and you may not think what you're saying is that exciting, but you have NO IDEA!!! I love it!! Yeah....I'm rambling a bit....just got home from the night shift....and I need to get to sleep...but I had to check in and hope you did!!!
    Love ya Lukey!!!!!
    Aunt Tevia

  3. Did you meet any barefoot pilgrims on the mountain?
