Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Getting the Ball Rolling

First and foremost, wanted to thank everyone for the comments, especially on my last post. Means a lot to see you guys are reading and taking time to comment. Makes me feel like I never left home.

Just got back not too long ago from my appointment with Immigration. It's about a half hour long walk to the office...and my two friends and I walked about another half hour past it because we didn't see it originally. I'm ready for a nap haha. But, after a busy first few weeks for my Mom to scramble around getting me insurance coverage, bank statements, etc. it was a breeze and I'm legal through December. With my newly acquired GARDA ID, I can finally travel in and out the country. Booked a trip Scotland the other day. That's for October 7-9. Also have a trip to Berlin planned for November 4-7. We're going to Cork, Ireland this weekend, and this Thursday is Arthur Guinness Day. Everyone will go out to the pubs early, and at 5:59pm everyone around Ireland raises their pint of Guinness for a toast to Arthur. I have class on Thursday though...hmm...

For some reason, my roommates and I have been itching to go hiking. So within the next month or so we have a few day trips out to either National Parks or different mountains in the area. If you've got a second, do a google search for 'Croagh Patrick' or 'Slieve League Cliffs One Man Pass'...hopefully it's not too windy!

Other little day trips we have penciled in include the Hurling Finals in Galway for October 23 (hurling is like a hybrid of hockey/lacrosse/rugby/field hockey/baseball/football....its worth searching on youtube or something..so intense haha) and another trip for the Greyhound Races over at the track in Galway.

Classes are going well, and I'm settling in just fine. I'll be sure to post pictures from Cork this weekend.
Hope all's well. Cheers.



  1. Luke,
    First off, I love your blog, it sounds like you are getting to do some fantastic things on your trip!!!!!!! Second, I think you should go to France now that you can legally leave the country; I mean you’re a lot closer to it now then when you were in America. You'd do M. Myers proud if you did I bet! Miss you and love ya!!!!

  2. Hey Luke...
    You certainly are making the most of this opportunity!! Glad to see that you're getting to do more than just "study"...ha
    I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures.
    Have fun and keep us posted!!
    Love ya lots...
    Aunt Tevia

  3. Hello my sweet boy!
    Yahoo Yip-a-de-doo! Thank you Immigration for letting my Luke stay in your beautiful country for about 12 more weeks! (not that Im counting down the days!) Good Job Luke for NOT losing the paperwork! Cookies are in the mail along with a Dr. Pepper to celebrate!
    Your trips, hiking, and sporting game you have scheduled sound amazing and I can't wait to see the pictures and stories you have to tell about them all. Remember to stay in the moment!
    I'm thinking.....with how laid back you told me classes are, I wouldn't be surprised if Thursday, your instructor takes your class on a field trip to a pub to celebrate Arthur Guinness Day! lol
    Oh my gosh, guess what I just realized I forget to send in your care package today......an adgenda book i found for you! However, with very little to no homework, who needs an adgenda book right?
    Hope you had a fantastic day! thinking of you and missing you lots!
    xxxxoooo to the moon and back!

  4. Hey Luke, Glad they're gonna let you stay--smart people. And be sure--I know you will--to plan trips. I especially recommend London, Paris, Venice, and Rome. I loved, and love, them--I've been to them all several times, and London is my favorite city in the world, and Paris and Venice the most beautiful.
    All's well at SJU, but we miss you. And do enjoy Guinness Day! Slainte! Joe

  5. Luke your 2nd Great Grandfather, John Guinan, came to America from County Cork in the early 1850's, probably to escape the potato famine. I knoow you probably don't want a history lesson, but it's a fact! lol Have a wonderful time on your trips. Just know we are all jealous that you are there. Isn't that Ironic!
    Safe Journeys
    from your 2nd cousin Kelley.
