Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I'm almost through my third week (I think?) in Ireland. This is the week that majority of people say you kind of hit a funk so to speak? I feel like I'm sort of hitting that, but not even close to the degree I know some have in the past. 

Well..not so much a funk, but you just start to miss your family, friends...Jake's sports games, not feeling like a foreigner, buff chick pizza, tavern wings, hawk wraps, sportscenter and not having to stay up til 5AM to watch the Jets (too bad my Mets JUST missed the playoffs...) haha. As I believe I've wrote in the past, we've had so much downtime these past few weeks that you don't really know what to do with yourself. No more tours, community day meetings, weekly service, etc. But the good news is that classes fully started this week, and the clubs fair just wrapped up on campus. I wrote my name down for the basketball team, co-ed softball and kayaking. Lord knows I probably won't do all three due to time constraints but at least I followed through with doing something. When I approached the basketball table I thought for sure I'd be meeting short Irish kids but they're how-do-I-post-you-up kinda big. So, from what I thought might be a shoo-in to being on the team, it might actually be a good things I signed up for more than one thing haha. We'll see, can't hurt to try. 

The societies fair is tomorrow..that's where we'll be able to learn about different service opportunities in the area and whatnot so I'll stop by that, too, and report back. So hopefully between one of the clubs, and a society or two I'll get back into that old rhythm I'm used to on Hawk Hill. 

Got a package today from my mom. (Thanks Trish for getting that sent out and organized...and extra thanks for the tabs explaining everything...what gave you the impression I'd need things literally spelled our for me? ;) haha) Inside was exactly what I was expecting..a card with a bunch of little encouragements and stuff. For any of you who read my Moms comments on the blog, basically that haha. Too funny...thanks Mom.

This weekend we're planning on going to the Aran Islands...I think. 

We never do anything until the last minute haha but I look forward to showing you all pictures from the trip. Cheers.



  1. Hi Luke...
    Hard to believe you've been gone for 3 weeks. Glad you're getting involved over there. These are some great memories you're making.
    I'm back home and missing your Mom bunches!!! We had a wonderful time together. I slept in your room while I was there....comfy bed!! haha
    Your Mom and Dad said I had the TV too loud though! Did you know Corey and Tiff got engaged?? They are back in school too and doing well. Tyler is working at Traditions. He's going to start BCC in the Spring.
    Keep blogging and allowing me to live vicariously through you...I'm loving it!!
    Lots of Love...
    Aunt Tevia

  2. Dear Lukey,
    Awwwwwww are you missin your mom a bit cuz i'm missing you a bit too! Guess i just have to really bug you like wanting to skype with ya everyday!! Remember "funk feelings" are normal and DO go away, just ride it out my sweet boy!! We all have them from time to time.
    You definitely are going to really enjoy putting your heart and time into a volunteer club! cant wait to see what club you picked to do volunteer work at. Proud of you signing up for those 3 sports clubs! Do your best and the right one will come to you. Kayaking sounds so cool!
    I am happy to see you got your package and you like your card! Yesterday i sent out a little treat for ya in the mail! Share with your roommates and no they are not cookies. That will be next weeks treat I mail out! :)
    Can't believe in a little over a week it will be a month that you have been in Ireland. Keep making memories and stories to share with us as you know this is a very special time in your life studying abroad in Ireland. You are such a great role model to Jake. Last week it was Aunt Kel taking over your room and now last night it was Jake's turn. I knew eventually he would find his way to your room while your away. Some things never change! :)
    Make it a great day today as it is about 5 in the morning your time and don't forget to share some of your inner sunshine with others!!
    Looking forward to our skyping!
    Miss and love you to the moon and back! xxxxoooo
    P.S. Not a bad stroll you may be taking this weekend to the Aran Islands. Gotta love you life!
